Tuesday, May 26, 2009

George Gordon

Winterset Madisonian
June 24, 1953


Former Local Resident Was Fishing at Fairmont, Minnesota

George Gordon, son of Arthur Gordon of Winterset was drowned Friday, June 12, while fishing in a lake near his home at Fairmont, Minn. His body was not recovered until four days later.

Mr. Gordon was born in Winterset April 8, 1909, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gordon. He was 44 years of age at his death.

His early life was spent in Winterset, and he attended the public schools here. He was an accomplished musician and had a long career as a member of dance bands, starting with the Pete Kuhl orchestra at Manning, about 25 years ago. He moved to Fairmont, Minnesota in 1942 and had served several orchestras in that area. He had also been employed by the Fairmont Railway Motors Inc. since 1951.

Mr. Gordon's mother preceded him in death. In addition to his father of Winterset, he leaves his wife and two children, George and Alicia, all of Fairmont; two sisters, Mrs. Mildred Howell of San Francisco, Calif., and Mrs. Margaret Beerbower of Winterset; and a brother, Willard Gordon, of Minneapolis, Minn.

Funeral services and burial were held last Thursday at Fairmont.

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