Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Egbert Benson Brown

Egbert Benson Brown

BROWN, Egbert Benson, soldier, born in Brownsville, Jefferson County, New York, 24 October, 1816. He obtained the rudiments of education in a log schoolhouse in Tecumseh, Michigan ; but when he was thirteen years old he began work with such diligence and success that in twenty years (1849) he was chosen mayor of Toledo, Ohio. In the meanwhile he had been half round the world on a whaling voyage, spending nearly four years in the Pacific Ocean. From 1852 till 1861 he was a railway manager, but resigned his place when civil war was imminent, and organized a regiment of infantry at St. Louis in May, 1861. He was instrumental in saving that City from falling into the hands of the secessionists, and was appointed brigadier of Missouri volunteers in May, 1862. After the battle of Springfield, 8 January, 1863, where he was severely wounded, he was appointed brigadier-general of United States volunteers. He served through the civil war, mainly in Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas, and left the army with one shoulder almost wholly disabled and a bullet in his hip. The legislature of Missouri officially complimented the troops of his command for their conduct at the battle of Springfield. From 1866 till 1868 he was United States pension-agent at St. Louis. He retired to a farm at Hastings, Calhoun County, Illinois, in 1869, and has since resided there, serving, however, on the state board of equalization from 1881 till 1884.

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Grandma Carrie Ely
lived to be 94 years old

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Winterset, Iowa

Winterset, Iowa
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Spencer, Iowa
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Brownsville, Jefferson co, New York

Brownsville, Jefferson co, New York
Main street, 1909


An old Quaker Cemetery

Madison county, Iowa

Madison county, Iowa

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Musgrove and Abi Brown Evans Home

Musgrove and Abi Brown Evans Home
Musgrove Evans home

Musgrove Evans

Musgrove Evans

The Ely Home est. 1880

The Ely Home est. 1880
919 Second St., Webster City, Iowa

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Brownsville, Jefferson co, NY

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Home of Pheobe Walton and Caleb Ball
, , PA

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I am a very busy grandma and mom to a passel of kids! I love crafts and enjoy sharing with others. I am involved in several groups that have shared interests. I have been involved with lots of home make-overs and enjoy decorating for myself and friends.

Sword of the Border

Sword of the Border
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