Sunday, September 11, 2011

Olive Gordon Pettit


Frank Pettit born 9-1-1849 at Muscatine, Iowa. He married 8-29-1872 to Olive Gordon; they lived in Council Bluffs for a time then moved to Silver City in 1891. He was a carpenter, a member of the Baptist Church and the I. O.O.F. Lodge. They had four children: Emma, Guy D., Stella and Beryl. He died 11-18-1928 and she died 3-19-1929. Emma was a dressmaker and also operated a millinery dept. in Silver City General Store for several years; she died 4-13-1935.
Guy D. Pettit born 11-9-1874 at Muscatine, Iowa and passed away 5-9-1941 at Silver City. He married 3-6- 1900 Alta Rains who was born 1-1-1883 and died 7-23-1966. Guy was an interior decorator and barber; during the Spanish-American War he served in the Philippines. Mr. and Mrs. Pettit had four children: Lloyd, Don, Wallace and Ruth. Lloyd 1901-1953; he had two boys Gerald born 1921 and Robert born 1922. Don born 1903 and died 1952. Wallace 1918-1966, he had one boy, Cary born 1943. Ruth B. born October 25, 1913; she married Joe Miller May 23, 1931. They have three children 1) Allan Miller born March 19, 1932, he married Micaela Cloonan in 1957; they have three children:
Cathy born April 30, 1963, Mike born April 29, 1967 and Chris born May 26, 1969. 2) Dinah Miller (Kittel) born November 10, 1939, she married Harvey Kittel in 1957; they have two daughters: Toni Kittel born September 5, 1960 and Valery Kittel born October 21, 1967.3) Dennis Miller born July 15, 1952. Toni Kittel (Dinah’s daughter) married Ray Woodruff in January 1978, they have one child, Tommy Woodruff born October 8, 1978.

Mills County, Iowa

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I am a very busy grandma and mom to a passel of kids! I love crafts and enjoy sharing with others. I am involved in several groups that have shared interests. I have been involved with lots of home make-overs and enjoy decorating for myself and friends.

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