Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dale Wilford Maher


Full Military Service To Be Conducted At Arlington Cemetery At Washington, D.C.

Galena, Kan., Sept. 13---Full military honors will be accorded Dale W. Maher, 51 years old, first secretary to the legation at Pretoria, Union of South Africa, at services to be held at Arlington national cemetery at Washington, D.C., at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon.

Maher, a former resident of Joplin and a son of A. C. Maher, former mayor of Joplin who now resides in Galena, was found dead in his motor car June 7 just outside the city of Pretoria.

The body was cremated following services held at Pretoria and the ashes were sent to the United States to be buried at the national military cemetery after ceremonies such as the nation reserves for its high ranking officials.

Maher's wife and stedaughter, Wendy, recently arrived in the United States from South Africa and are residing in Washington, D.C., for the present. Maher's brother, Howard F. Maher, and Mrs. Maher, of Galena, went to Washington several days ago and will attend the services. Maher's father was unable to make the trip to Washington because of ill health.

Maher, a West Point graduate, had a colorful career in the consular and diplomatic service. In December, 1945, he was sent to South Africa as first secretary to the legation and his wife and stepdaughter joined him there early in 1946. They had been in Pretoria since.
(Joplin Globe ~ Tuesday ~ September 14, 1948)

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