Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Samuel E. Gordon

History of Adair
County, Iowa, 1915.

Biographical. Volume 2.
May 20, 2009

Samuel E. Gordon.

Samuel E. Gordon, who owns and operates a well improved farm of one hundred and twenty acres on section 8, Union township, has devoted his attention to agricultural pursuits throughout his entire business career with excellent results. His birth occurred in Madison county, Iowa, on the 10th of October, 1862, his parents being Samuel A. and Nancy J. (Gowin) Gordon, both of whom were natives of Indiana. In 1853 they came to Iowa, settling on a farm in Madison county which the father entered from the government. He erected thereon a log cabin of primitive construction, the little dwelling having a clapboard roof, puncheon floor and the old-time string latch. Subsequently he established his home on a farm in Adair county and here spent the remainder of his life. His wife died June 9, 1915, at the age of eighty-one years and was buried at Greenfield. Both were well known and highly esteemed throughout the community. They became the parents of thirteen children, nine of whom are yet living.

Samuel E. Gordon attended the common schools in the acquirement of an education and remained under the parental roof until eighteen years of age. Subsequently he spent two years as a farm hand and then rented a tract of land which he cultivated for four years. On the expiration of that period he purchased a farm in Grand River township but four years later disposed of the property and bought one hundred and twenty acres of land on section 8, Union township, where he has carried on agricultural pursuits continuously and successfully since. He has improved the property and greatly enhanced its value by erecting commodious and substantial buildings. His activities as a raiser and feeder of stock materially augment his income and in all of his undertakings he has met with gratifying and well deserved success.

In 1883 Mr. Gordon was united in marriage to Miss Cora B. Neville, a native of Ohio and a daughter of Thomas W. and Ellen (McWhinney) Neville, the former born in England and the latter in Ohio. They came to Iowa about 1870, taking up their abode on a farm in Adair county. The father has attained the ripe old age of seventy-seven years, but the mother is deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon have been born six children, as follows: Blanche C. and Ersie L., both of whom have passed away; Ray U.; Thomas S.; Hazel E.; and Alda L.

Politically Mr. Gordon is a stanch republican and has ably served in the capacity of school director, while at present he holds the office of township trustee. His religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Christian church, to which his wife also belongs, and they are active workers in all movements that aim to promote the welfare of the township or county.

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