Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Joseph Callery


1836 Kells, Meath, Ireland

* 1836 1836 Kells, Meath, Ireland

18 August 1909 Storm Lake, Buena Vista, Iowa, United States

Buena Vista Vidette, Friday, August 20, 1909

Pioneer Settler Dies

Joseph Callery Passes Away After Illness of Several Months...Burial to Take Place on Friday

Joseph Callery died at his home on Wednesday August 18, at 10:30 a.m. from cancer of the stomach at an age of 72 years and 10 months.

Decedent was born in Mead county, Kells, Ireland, in the year 1836. At ninteen years of age he came to New York and four years later was married to Miss Bridget Cook at Brooklyn, New York. In 1874 he came with his family to Providence township, where he took up a homestead, driving across from Fort Dodge with a wagon and team of oxen. There were no railroads at that time and this country was unsettled. Being among the first settlers they have braved the hardships of pioneer life. About nine years ago they retired from farming coming to Storm Lake. Mr. Callery became crippled with rheumatism and was unable to farm longer. Ten children were born to them, nine daughters and one son, two of which have died, Mrs. Julia Toehey, who died fifteen years ago and Mrs. Rose Glowsczweski, who died about two and one half years ago. Those living are Edward F. Callery, of Duncombe, Iowa, Mrs. Mary Ellen McLaughlin, of Des Moines, Mrs. Kate West and Mrs. Bridget Josephine Skeels, of Storm Lake, Mrs. Margaret Flaherty, of Stickney, South Dakota, Mrs. Anna Stacra Sharp, of Mankato, Minn., Mrs. Cecilia Foster, of Newell, and Mrs. Agnes Flaherty, of Pocahontas Center. Nearly all were at his bedside when death came. Mr. Callery was an honest, hardworking man, and has accumulated considerable property and raised a large family. He was of a good natured, jovial disposition and has many friends in and around Storm Lake. Beside his wife and children he leaves thirteen grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held on Friday at 10 o'clock a.m. from the St. Mary's Catholic church conducted by Rev. father Cooke and interment made in the Catholic cemetery.

* 1909 18 August 1909 Storm Lake, Buena Vista, Iowa, United States

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